Login to Complete an Application or to Access Judging Panel
Can I Submit More Than One Nomination?
Yes. A member can submit up to 3 nominations for a leadership position. Please be aware you must complete a nomination application for each eligible position in the portal. If a member appears in more than one nomination ballot, the member will be sent a “consent to serve” email requesting them to choose their top-pick position.
Will I be able to save my work and come back to it later?
Yes. However, there is information required during each step, so you will be asked to answer those fields before saving your work.
Why is it important for me to update my member profile?
Updating your member profile to make sure your contact information is current is critical, it helps to ensure that AASLD has accurate and complete information for nomination applications that are reviewed and evaluated by the Nominating Committee as well as for any necessary follow-up communication with nominees.
What happens after a nomination is submitted?
Upon the completion of the nomination period:
- The Nominating Committee will review applications, and AASLD’s Ethics Committee will review applications for conflicts of interest.
- The Nominating Committee will submit selected applications to the Governing Board for review and approval.
- The slate of candidates will be announced in June 2025.
- The slate of candidates will go on the AASLD Elections ballot the first week of September for the membership to vote.
- Recipients will be notified mid-October and affirmed at The Liver Meeting in November 2025.
Additional questions?
If you have questions about the 2026 Leadership Nominations process, please e-mail committeeservice@aasld.org.