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What are the AASLD Distinguished Awards?                                                                                                                                                                                   

Each year, AASLD acknowledges those whose achievements over a sustainable period of time, in the field of hepatology, are significant and warrant recognition.

 The Distinguished Awards are comprised of:

  • Distinguished Achievement Award
  • Distinguished Clinician Educator/Mentor Award
  • Distinguished Service Award
  • Distinguished Advocacy Service Award                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Who selects those receiving a Distinguished Award?                                                                                                                                                                       

AASLD’s Distinguished Awards Committee reviews and selects the award winners with final approval from the Governing Board, the organization’s highest leadership body.

Who can submit a nomination?                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

All members of AASLD are eligible and encouraged to submit a nomination. Members may also nominate qualified candidates who are not members of the  association.

Can I nominate myself?                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Yes! AASLD encourages self-nominations. This allows us to learn about qualified candidates who may not have had the same widespread recognition as others.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the nominations process?                                                                                                                                             

Please email governance@aasld.org and our Governance Staff will assist you.

What do I have to provide when nominating someone for an award?                                                                                                                                                     

You are asked to provide basic demographic information, at least one letter of recommendation, and an abridged CV of the nominee. 

Are Distinguished Awards only given to those who have been active in AASLD for many years?                                                                                                   

While involvement in AASLD will be considered, Distinguished Award winners need not be AASLD members. 

Are there any specific characteristics that the Distinguished Awards Committee and Governing Board looks for in a nominee?                                                       

Consistent with AASLD’s recognition that the study of liver disease encompasses health care professionals from many backgrounds, we encourage a pool of talented nominees that reflect our richness as a community that includes individual and institutional diversity.

In addition to being presented with the award, is there anything else recipients receive?                                                                                                                    

Given the high honor of our Distinguished Awards, individuals being recognized will receive:

  • Recognition at the Annual Awards Ceremony during The Liver Meeting® in San Diego
  • Recognition on the AASLD website and media announcements
  • Honorarium of $1,500
  • Complimentary registration to the Liver Meeting in 2024
  • Two nights hotel accommodation at The Liver Meeting in 2024
  • Economy round-trip airfare to The Liver Meeting in 2024.